Great, phase transitions in group testing problems!
Much like previously, when I don't see a citation in the reference section I always wonder if the paper provides a new or a very new insight from previously [0,1,2,3]. What is most fascinating here is that some of these recent results on group testing, are coming from different communities and it is definitely a challenge to delineate which work provides the most advances.
For one, I am also convinced that, much like what happened in compressive sensing, the use of empirical phase transitions (read the Map Makers) goes a long way toward avoid endless discussions about asymptotics for real life reconstruction solvers. Without further due:
Phase Transitions in Group Testing by Scarlett, Jonathan; Cevher, Volkan
We consider the fundamental limits on the number of tests required for the group testing problem, which has applications in medical testing, fault detection, communication protocols, pattern matching, and database systems. Specifically, we havep items labeled1,…,p , among which a uniformly random subsetS of cardinalityk are defective. The goal is to recover the setS based onn possibly noisy measurements, each taking the form Y = \boldsymbol{1}\bigg{ \bigcup_{i \in S} {X_i = 1} \bigg} \oplus Z, \nonumber whereX=(X1,…,Xp)∈0,1p is a measurement vector indicating the items involved in each test, andZ∈0,1 represents possible noise under modulo-2 addition. We consider Bernoulli designs, in which each entry of each measurement vector is independently drawn at random from a Bernoulli distribution. In the noiseless case withk=Θ(pθ) (θ≤13 ), we show the following for an optimal recovery algorithm: n \ge \Big( k\log_2\frac{p}{k} \Big) (1+\eta) \implies \PP[\mathrm{error}] \to 0 \nonumber
n \le \Big( k\log_2\frac{p}{k} \Big) (1-\eta) \implies \PP[\mathrm{error}] \to 1 \nonumber for anyη>0 , where an error means thatS^≠S , withS^ denoting the estimate ofS . That is, we provide an exact threshold at which the error probability under goes a phase transition from0 to1 , for a measurement-optimal recovery rule minimizing the required number of measurements regardless of the computational complexity. The same threshold was previously shown to be the best possible when the measurement vectors are designed adaptively, with each vector chosen based on the outcomes of previous tests. Thus, despite being non-adaptive, Bernoulli designs are asymptotically optimal whenθ≤13 . In the case of partial recovery, we show that n \le \Big( (1-\alpha^{*}) k\log_2\frac{p}{k} \Big) (1-\eta) \implies \PP[\mathrm{error}] \to 1, \nonumber for anyη>0 , where an error means that|S∖S^|≥α∗|S| or|S^∖S|≥α∗|S| , so thatα∗ indicates the allowed ``distance'' fromS^ toS . Thus, there is little gain to be obtained in the required number of measurements even under this relaxed criterion. Finally, analogous necessary and sufficient conditions are derived for the noisy setting withZ∼Bernoulli(ρ) , and we again provide exact thresholds for sufficiently smallθ . Our analysis takes a novel approach revealing that the error probability is characterized by tail probabilities containing quantities of the formı(x;y):=logPY|X(y|x)PY(y) , permitting precise characterizations due to the fact that independent summations concentrate around their mean. This approach is a significant departure from widely-used tools such as maximum-likelihood decoding and Fano's inequality, and leads to sharper bounds for the case thatk scales withp , as well as the stronger statementPr[error]→1 (as opposed to merelyPr[error]↛0 ) in the converse bounds.
As a reminder, all the preprints/papers mentioned on this blog related to Group Testing are listed under the GroupTesting tag. There are 50 blog entries using that tag. A while ago, I explained how compressive sensing works on Quora using the concepts behind group testing: What is compressed sensing (compressive sampling) in layman's terms?
[0] Group testing with Random Pools: Phase Transitions and Optimal Strategy by M. Mézard, M.Tarzia, C. Toninelli
see recently also:The problem of Group Testing is to identify defective items out of a set of objects by means of pool queries of the form "Does the pool contain at least a defective?". The aim is of course to perform detection with the fewest possible queries, a problem which has relevant practical applications in different fields including molecular biology and computer science. Here we study GT in the probabilistic setting focusing on the regime of small defective probability and large number of objects,p→0 andN→∞ . We construct and analyze one-stage algorithms for which we establish the occurrence of a non-detection/detection phase transition resulting in a sharp threshold,M¯ , for the number of tests. By optimizing the pool design we construct algorithms whose detection threshold follows the optimal scalingM¯∝Np|logp| . Then we consider two-stages algorithms and analyze their performance for different choices of the first stage pools. In particular, via a proper random choice of the pools, we construct algorithms which attain the optimal value (previously determined in Ref. [16]) for the mean number of tests required for complete detection. We finally discuss the optimal pool design in the case of finitep .
- Group Testing and SAFFRON
- SAFFRON: A Fast, Efficient, and Robust Framework for Group Testing based on Sparse-Graph Codes"
- Non-adaptive pooling strategies for detection of rare faulty items / Improved Constructions for Non-adaptive Threshold Group Testing
Potentially relevant
- The Compressive Sensing Handle
- Group Testing and Its Connection to Compressed Sensing.
- CS: Group Testing and Sparse Signal Recovery, A linear solution to the 12-balls problem
- CS: Ain't the Power of Interwebs Great or What ?
- Boolean Compressed Sensing and Noisy Group Testing by George Atia, and Venkatesh Saligrama
- Note on Noisy Group Testing: Asymptotic Bounds and Belief Propagation Reconstruction by Dino Sejdinovic, Oliver Johnson.
- Superselectors: Efficient Constructions and Applications by Ferdinando Cicalese, Ugo Vaccaro.
- Derandomization and Group Testing by Mahdi Cheraghchi.
- Improved Constructions for Non-adaptive Threshold Group Testing by Mahdi Cheraghchi.
- Venkatesh Saligrama - Noisy Group Testing and Boolean Compressed Sensing
- Group Testing and Sparse Recovery by Mark Iwen
- Compressed Sensing with Probabilistic Measurements: A Group Testing Solution by Mahdi Cheraghchi, Ali Hormati, Amin Karbasi, Martin Vetterli
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