Monday, March 01, 2010

A compressive sensing bleg for the big picture.

It looks like the full effect of having a link from Wired is just taking effect. This is a call to everybody, if you feel that your work is not listed in the big picture or feel that I missed a specific important paper, please let me know now which one and where you think it should fit in the living document. Thanks!

By the way, I just changed the original description of compressed sensing at the beginning of the document to better reflect some of the issues voiced by some of you to me with regards to delineating sparse coding or l1 reconstruction which can be done as post-processing steps and compressive sensing where the new theoretical arguments can provide a new way of performing signal acquisition and understanding. I'll try to analyze later what I think of the comments I have seen as this situation provides a unique understanding of what readers who were just exposed to compressive sensing through the Wired article understand of the subject. It will be a great way to crowdsource a compressive sensing FAQ as this little experiment provides a unique material in terms of the understanding of the subject.

PS: I like the title, it has a Seinfeld like feeling to it and as you all know, I have used Seinfeld before to describe compressive sensing before (see CS: Coded Mask Imagers: What are they good for ? The George Costanza "Do the Opposite" Sampling Scheme ). Thank you Jordan!

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