Friday, July 12, 2019

Two new preprints using LightOn Optical Processing Unit (OPU)

** Nuit Blanche is now on Twitter: @NuitBlog **

Two new preprints using @LightOn's Optical Processing Unit. The first one shows a speed-up of 400 times faster than a CPU implementation. Both of these preprints used @LightOn's Optical Processing Unit. If you are interested in being part of our pilot program to have access to our Light Processing technology, please register at All papers and preprints utilizing our Light processing technology can be found at:

Reservoir Computing is a relatively recent computational framework based on a large Recurrent Neural Network with fixed weights. Many physical implementations of Reservoir Computing have been proposed to improve speed and energy efficiency. In this study, we report new advances in Optical Reservoir Computing using multiple light scattering to accelerate the recursive computation of the reservoir states. Two different spatial light modulation technologies, namely, phase or binary amplitude modulations, are compared. Phase modulation is a promising direction already employed in other photonic implementations of Reservoir Computing. Additionally, we report a Digital-Micromirror-based Reservoir Computing at up to 640 Hz, more than double the previously reported frequency using a remotely controlled optical device developed by LightOn, and present new binarization strategies to improve the performance of binarized Reservoir Computing.
and another one, on making our Optical Processing Unit linear.

In this paper we tackle the problem of recovering the phase of complex linear measurements when only magnitude information is available and we control the input. We are motivated by the recent development of dedicated optics-based hardware for rapid random projections which leverages the propagation of light in random media. A signal of interest ξRN is mixed by a random scattering medium to compute the projection y=Aξ, with ACM×N being a realization of a standard complex Gaussian iid random matrix. Two difficulties arise in this scheme: only the intensity |y|2 can be recorded by the camera, and the transmission matrix A is unknown. We show that even without knowing A, we can recover the unknown phase of y for some equivalent transmission matrix with the same distribution as A. Our method is based on two observations: first, changing the phase of any row of A does not change its distribution; and second, since we control the input we can interfere ξ with arbitrary reference signals. We show how to leverage these observations to cast the measurement phase retrieval problem as a Euclidean distance geometry problem. We demonstrate appealing properties of the proposed algorithm on both numerical simulations and in real hardware experiments. Not only does our algorithm accurately recover the missing phase, but it mitigates the effects of quantization and the sensitivity threshold, thus also improving the measured magnitudes.

all papers and preprints utilizing our Light processing technology can be found at:

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Wednesday, July 10, 2019

#ISIT2019 International Symposium on Information Theory

** Nuit Blanche is now on Twitter: @NuitBlog **

Continuing on the conferences in France that have been of traditional interest to Nuit Blanche readers is ISIT that is taking place in Paris this year.

If any of you are reading this and want to visit us at LightOn, don't hesitate to get in touch at: contact at

Sunday, July 7
09:00 - 11:30
17:30 - 19:00
Welcome Reception Salon Jussieu, Level 3 & Espace Lounge, Level 5

Monday, July 8
08:30 - 09:30
09:50 - 11:10
11:10 - 11:40
Coffee Break

Recent Results Poster Session 1-A Salon Jussieu, Level 3
11:40 - 13:00
13:00 - 14:30
14:30 - 16:10
Special Session
16:10 - 16:40
Coffee Break

16:40 - 18:00
18:00 - 19:30
19:30 - 20:00

Tuesday, July 9
08:30 - 09:30
09:50 - 11:10
11:10 - 11:40
Coffee Break
11:40 - 13:00
14:30 - 16:10
Special Session
16:10 - 16:40
Coffee Break
16:40 - 18:00
18:15 - 19:30
19:30 - 20:00

Wednesday, July 10
08:30 - 09:30
09:50 - 11:10
11:10 - 11:40
Coffee Break
11:40 - 13:20
15:00 - 18:00

Thursday, July 11
11:10 - 11:40
Coffee Break

11:40 - 13:00
13:00 - 14:30
13:15 - 14:15
14:30 - 16:10
16:10 - 16:40
Coffee Break

16:40 - 18:00
19:15 - 22:30

Friday, July 12
08:30 - 09:30
Plenary PLEN-5: Plenary Talk: George V. Moustakides - "Quickest Detection of Changes: Classical and Modern Approaches" Le Théatre (Parterre), Level -1
09:50 - 11:10
11:10 - 11:40
Coffee Break
11:40 - 13:00
13:00 - 14:30
14:30 - 16:10
Special Session FR3.R1: Information Privacy and Fairness Le Théatre (Parterre), Level -1

16:10 - 16:40
Coffee Break
16:40 - 18:00

Follow @NuitBlog or join the CompressiveSensing Reddit, the Facebook page, the Compressive Sensing group on LinkedIn  or the Advanced Matrix Factorization group on LinkedIn

Liked this entry ? subscribe to Nuit Blanche's feed, there's more where that came from. You can also subscribe to Nuit Blanche by Email.

Other links:
Paris Machine||@Archives||LinkedIn||Facebook|| @ParisMLGroup< br/> About LightOnNewsletter ||@LightOnIO|| on LinkedIn || on CrunchBase || our Blog
About myselfLightOn || Google Scholar || LinkedIn ||@IgorCarron ||Homepage||ArXiv

Monday, July 08, 2019

SampTA 2019 Abstracts/Papers.

** Nuit Blanche is now on Twitter: @NuitBlog **

After SPARS last week in Toulouse, SampTA is taking place nearby in Bordeaux this week. Here the papers presented there:

Generalization in deep nets: an empirical perspective
Tom Goldstein
abstract : Invité
Deep learning (invited)

Passive and Active Sampling for Piecewise-Smooth Graph Signals
Rohan Varma, Jelena Kovačević
abstract : Invité
Poster & Welcome Party

Robust Recovery of Sparse Non-negative Weights from Mixtures of Positive-Semidefinite Matrices
Peter Jung
abstract : Invité
Compressed sensing and low rank matrix recovery (invited)

On one-stage recovery for ΣΔ-quantized compressed sensing
Ozgur Yilmaz, Arman Ahmadieh
abstract : Invité
Quantization (invited)

High-performance quantization for spectral super-resolution
Sinan Gunturk, Weilin Li
abstract : Invité
Quantization (invited)

Robust 1-Bit Compressed Sensing via Hinge Loss Minimization
Alexander Stollenwerk, Martin Genzel
abstract : Invité
Quantization (invited)

Robust One-bit Compressed Sensing With Manifold Data
Mark Iwen, Sjoerd Dirksen, Johannes Maly, Sara Krause-Solberg
abstract : Invité
Quantization (invited)

One-Bit Sensing of Low-Rank and Bisparse Matrices
Simon Foucart, Laurent Jacques
abstract : Invité
Quantization (invited)

Enabling Prediction via Multi-Layer Graph Inference and Sampling
Stefania Sardellitti, Sergio Barbarossa, Paolo Di Lorenzo
abstract : Invité
Graph signal processing (invited)

Clustering on Dynamic Graphs based on Total Variation
Peter Berger, Thomas Dittrich, Gerald Matz
abstract : Invité
Graph signal processing (invited)

A non-commutative viewpoint on graph signal processing
Mahya Ghandehari, Dominique Guillot, Kristopher Hollingsworth
abstract : Invité
Graph signal processing (invited)

Iterative Chebyshev Polynomial Algorithm for Signal Denoising on Graphs
Cheng Cheng, Junzheng Jiang, Emirov Nazar, Qiyu Sun
abstract : Invité
Graph signal processing (invited)

Average sampling, average splines and Poincare inequality on combinatorial graphs
Isaac Pesenson
abstract : Invité
Graph signal processing (invited)

Blue-Noise Sampling of Signals on Graphs
Alejandro Parada, Daniel Lau, Jhony Giraldo, Gonzalo Arce
abstract : Invité
Graph signal processing (invited)

Panel discussion
Laura Balzano, Rod Little
abstract : Invité
Missing data imputation (invited)

Tractable Learning of Sparsely Used Dictionaries from Incomplete Samples
Thanh Nguyen, Akshay Soni, Chinmay Hegde
abstract : Invité
Missing data imputation (invited)

Aggregation for Sensitive Data
Avradeep Bhowmik, Joydeep Ghosh, Oluwasanmi Koyejo
abstract : Invité
Missing data imputation (invited)

Adaptive sequential regression imputation methods using machine learning techniques
Trivellore E. Raghunathan
abstract : Invité
Missing data imputation (invited)

Comparison of Imputation Methods for Race and Ethnic Information in Administrative Health Data
Ofer Harel, Yishu Xue, Robert Aseltine
abstract : Invité
Missing data imputation (invited)

Optimally Sample-Efficient Phase Retrieval with Deep Generative Models
Oscar Leong, Paul Hand, Vladislav Voroninski
abstract : Invité
Phase Retrieval (invited)

3D Phaseless Imaging at Nano-scale: Challenges and Possible Solutions
Mahdi Soltanolkotabi
abstract : Invité
Phase Retrieval (invited)

PhasePack: A Phase Retrieval Library
Tom Goldstein, Christoph Studer, Rohan Chandra
abstract : Invité
Phase Retrieval (invited)

The Cramer-Rao Lower Bound in the Phase Retrieval Problem
Radu Balan, David Bekkerman
abstract : Invité
Phase Retrieval (invited)

Stability of Phase Retrieval Problem
Palina Salanevich
abstract : Invité
Phase Retrieval (invited)

The Diamond ensemble: a well distributed family of points on S2
Carlos Beltrán, Ujué Etayo
abstract : Invité
Time-frequency analysis (invited)

Filtering the Continuous Wavelet Transform Using Hyperbolic Triangulations
Günther Koliander, Luís Daniel Abreu, Antti Haimi, José Luis Romero
abstract : Invité
Time-frequency analysis (invited)

A correspondence between zeros of time-frequency transforms and Gaussian analytic functions
Rémi Bardenet, Pierre Chainais, Julien Flamant, Adrien Hardy
abstract : Invité
Time-frequency analysis (invited)

Scaling limits in planar eigenvalue ensembles
Yacin Ameur
abstract : Invité
Time-frequency analysis (invited)

General Bounds for 1-Layer ReLU approximation
Bolton R. Bailey, Matus Telgarsky
abstract : Invité
Deep learning (invited)

Neuron birth-death dynamics accelerates gradient descent and converges asymptotically
Joan Bruna
abstract : Invité
Deep learning (invited)

Optimization bias in linear convolutional networks
Suriya Gunasekar
abstract : Invité
Deep learning (invited)

Overparameterized Nonlinear Optimization with Applications to Neural Nets
Samet Oymak
abstract : Invité
Deep learning (invited)

Reconciling modern machine learning practice and the classical bias-variance trade-off
Mikhail Belkin, Daniel Hsu, Siyuan Ma, Soumik Mandal
abstract : Invité
Deep learning (invited)

A Delsarte-Style Proof of the Bukh-Cox Bound
Mark E. Magsino, Dustin G. Mixon, Hans Parshall
abstract : Invité
Frame theory (invited)

The Zak transform and representations induced from characters of an abelian subgroup
Joseph W. Iverson
abstract : Invité
Frame theory (invited)

2- and 3-Covariant Equiangular Tight Frames
Emily King
abstract : Invité
Frame theory (invited)

Exact Line Packings from Numerical Solutions
Hans Parshall, Dustin G. Mixon
abstract : Invité
Frame theory (invited)

Equi-isoclinic subspaces from difference sets
Matthew Fickus, Courtney Schmitt
abstract : Invité
Frame theory (invited)

Completion of Structured Low-Rank Matrices via Iteratively Reweighted Least Squares
Christian Kümmerle, Cláudio M. Verdun
abstract : Invité
Compressed sensing and low rank matrix recovery (invited)

New Algorithms and Improved Guarantees for One-Bit Compressed Sensing on Manifolds
Rayan Saab, Mark Iwen, Eric Lybrand, Aaron Nelson
abstract : Invité
Compressed sensing and low rank matrix recovery (invited)

Entropy Estimates on Tensor Products of Banach Spaces and Applications to Low-Rank Recovery
Kiryung Lee, Sharma Srinivasa Rakshith, Marius Junge, Justin K. romberg
abstract : Invité
Compressed sensing and low rank matrix recovery (invited)

Matrix Completion with Selective Sampling
Christian Parkinson, Kevin Huynh, Deanna Needell
abstract : Invité
Compressed sensing and low rank matrix recovery (invited)

oral (65 documents )

The Convolution Word is Tied to the Exponential Kernel Transforms. What is a Parallel Expression for the Other Transforms?
Abdul Jerri
abstract : oral
Echantillonage et analyse de Fourier

Trace Result of Shearlet Coorbit Spaces on Lines
Qaiser Jahan, Stephan Dahlke, Gabriele Steidl
abstract : oral
Wavelets, Shearlets…

Dynamical Sampling with a Burst-like Forcing Term
Akram Aldroubi, Longxiu Huang, Keri Kornelson, Ilya Krishtal
abstract : oral
Problèmes inverses

Riesz bases of exponentials for partitions of intervals
David Walnut, Goetz E. Pfander, Shauna Revay
abstract : oral
Analyse de Fourier

A Rate-Distortion Framework for Explaining Deep Neural Network Decisions
Stephan Wäldchen, Jan Macdonald, Sascha Hauch, Gitta Kutyniok
abstract : oral
Deep Learning

Towards a Regularity Theory for ReLU Networks - Chain Rule and Global Error Estimates
Dennis Elbrächter, Julius Berner, Philipp Grohs, Arnulf Jentzen
abstract : oral
Deep Learning

On the smoothness of dual windows for Gabor windows supported on [-1; 1]
Kamilla H. Nielsen, Jakob Lemvig
abstract : oral
Analyse de Gabor

Iterative Discretization of Optimization Problems Related to Superresolution
Axel Flinth, Pierre Armand Weiss
abstract : oral

Multiplication-free coordinate descent iteration for l1-regularized least squares
Nguyen T. Thao, Dominik Rzepka
abstract : oral
Echantillonage compressé

Time-Frequency Shift Invariance of Gabor Spaces
Friedrich Philipp, Andrei Caragea, Dae Gwan Lee, Felix Voigtlaender
abstract : oral
Analyse de Gabor

Sum-of-Squares Optimization and the Sparsity Structure of Equiangular Tight Frames
Dmitriy Kunisky, Afonso Bandeira
abstract : oral
Théorie des "Frames"

On Identifiability in Unlimited Sampling
Ayush Bhandari, Felix Krahmer
abstract : oral
Echantillonage et analyse de Fourier

Random Gabor Multipliers and Compressive Sensing
Georg Tauböck, Shristi Rajbamshi, Peter Balazs, Luís Daniel Abreu
abstract : oral
Echantillonage compressé

Fast Multitaper Spectral Estimation
Santhosh Karnik, Mark Davenport, Justin K. romberg
abstract : oral
Méthodes probabilistes

One-Bit Compressed Sensing Using Smooth Measure of l0 Norm
Sina Alemohammad, Arash Amini
abstract : oral

Banach frames and atomic decompositions in the space of bounded operators on Hilbert spaces
Peter Balazs
abstract : oral
Théorie des "Frames"

Computability of the Fourier Transform and ZFC
Holger Boche, Ullrich J. Mönich
abstract : oral
Analyse de Fourier

Sampling on Hyperbolic Surfaces
Stephen D. Casey
abstract : oral
Traitement du signal non-euclidéen (graphes, variétés,...)

Random Sampling for Bandlimited Signals on Product Graphs
Rohan Varma, Jelena Kovačević
abstract : oral
Traitement du signal non-euclidéen (graphes, variétés,...)

Modeling Global Dynamics from Local Snapshots with Deep Generative Neural Networks
Scott Gigante, David van Dijk, Kevin Moon, Alexander Strzalkowski, Smita Krishnaswamy, Guy Wolf
abstract : oral
Deep Learning

The dual approach to non-negative super-resolution: impact on primal reconstruction accuracy
Bogdan Toader, Stephane Chretien, Andrew Thompson
abstract : oral

Sparse synthesis regularization with deep neural networks
Daniel Obmann, Markus Haltmeier, Johannes Schwab
abstract : oral
Echantillonage compressé

Conditioning of restricted Fourier matrices and super-resolution of MUSIC
Wenjing Liao, Weilin Li
abstract : oral

Projection-Based 2.5D U-net Architecture for Fast Volumetric Segmentation
Christoph H. Angermann, Markus Haltmeier
abstract : oral
Deep Learning

Generalized Sampling on Graphs With A Subspace Prior
Yuichi Tanaka, Yonina C. Eldar
abstract : oral
Traitement du signal non-euclidéen (graphes, variétés,...)

Phase Estimation from Noisy Data with Gaps
Yitong Huang, Clark Bowman, Olivia Walch, Daniel Forger
abstract : oral
Reconstruction de Phase

Higher order 1-bit Sigma-Delta modulation on a circle
Olga Graf, Felix Krahmer, Sara Krause-Solberg
abstract : oral

Analytic and directional wavelet packets
Valery Zheludev
abstract : oral
Wavelets, Shearlets…

Non-Gaussian Random Matrices on Sets: Optimal Tail Dependence and Applications
Halyun Jeong, Xiaowei Li, Yaniv Plan, Ozgur Yilmaz
abstract : oral
Méthodes probabilistes

Monte Carlo wavelets: a randomized approach to frame discretization
Stefano Vigogna, Zeljko Kereta, Valeriya Naumova, Lorenzo Rosasco, Ernesto De Vito
abstract : oral

The Solvability Complexity Index of Sampling-based Hilbert Transform Approximations
Volker Pohl, Holger Boche
abstract : oral
Echantillonage et analyse de Fourier

Deep-Sparse Array Cognitive Radar
Ahmet M. Elbir, Satish Mulleti, Regev Cohen, Rong Fu, Yonina C. Eldar
abstract : oral
Deep Learning

Signal transmission through an unidentified channel
Dae Gwan Lee, Goetz E. Pfander, Volker Pohl
abstract : oral
Analyse de Gabor

Adaptive Frames from Quilted Local Time-Frequency Systems
Lamando Arvin, Gino Angelo Velasco
abstract : oral
Analyse de Gabor

A Clifford Construction of Multidimensional Prolate Spheroidal Wave Functions
Hamed Baghal Ghaffari, Jeffrey Hogan, Joseph Lakey
abstract : oral
Analyse de Fourier

Optimal Spline Generators for Derivative Sampling
Shayan Aziznejad, Alireza Naderi, Michael Unser
abstract : oral
Echantillonage et analyse de Fourier

Analysis of shearlet coorbit spaces in arbitrary dimensions using coarse geometry
René Koch, Hartmut Führ
abstract : oral
Wavelets, Shearlets…

Dual-Reference Design for Holographic Phase Retrieval
David A. Barmherzig, Ju Sun, Emmanuel Candès, Thomas Joseph Lane, Po-Nan Li
abstract : oral
Reconstruction de Phase

On cosine operator function framework of windowed Shannon sampling operators
Andi Kivinukk, Olga Graf, Anna Saksa
abstract : oral
Echantillonage et analyse de Fourier

A quantitative Balian-Low theorem for subspaces
Andrei Caragea, Dae Gwan Lee, Friedrich Philipp, Felix Voigtlaender
abstract : oral
Analyse de Gabor

Higher-dimensional wavelets and the Douglas-Rachford algorithm
Jeffrey Hogan, David Franklin, Matthew Tam
abstract : oral
Wavelets, Shearlets…

Optimization in the construction of nearly cardinal and nearly symmetric wavelets
Neil Dizon, Jeffrey Hogan, Joseph Lakey
abstract : oral
Wavelets, Shearlets…

Numerical computation of eigenspaces of spatio-spectral limiting on hypercubes
Joseph Lakey, Jeffrey Hogan
abstract : oral
Traitement du signal non-euclidéen (graphes, variétés,...)

On the Transferability of Spectral Graph Filters
Ron Levie, Elvin Isufi, Gitta Kutyniok
abstract : oral
Traitement du signal non-euclidéen (graphes, variétés,...)

Phase retrieval from local correlation measurements with fixed shift length
Oleh Melnyk, Frank Filbir, Felix Krahmer
abstract : oral
Reconstruction de Phase

Parameter Instability Regimes in Sparse Proximal Denoising Programs
Aaron Berk, Yaniv Plan, Ozgur Yilmaz
abstract : oral
Echantillonage compressé

Sampling over spiraling curves
Philippe Jaming, José Luis Romero, Felipe Negreira
abstract : oral
Echantillonage et analyse de Fourier

Phase Retrieval for Wide Band Signals
Philippe Jaming, Karim Kellay, Rolando 3 Perez
abstract : oral
Reconstruction de Phase

Frame representations via suborbits of bounded operators
Ole Christensen, Marzieh Hasannasabjaldehbakhani
abstract : oral
Théorie des "Frames"

Deterministic guarantees for L1 -reconstruction: A large sieve approach with geometric flexibility
Michael Speckbacher, Luís Daniel Abreu
abstract : oral
Analyse de Fourier

Approximation in Lp(μ) with deep ReLU neural networks
Felix Voigtlaender, Philipp Petersen
abstract : oral
Deep Learning

Ill-conditionedness of discrete Gabor phase retrieval and a possible remedy
Matthias Wellershoff, Rima Alaifari
abstract : oral
Reconstruction de Phase

Rearranged Fourier Series and Generalizations to Non-Commutative Groups
Armenak Petrosyan, Keaton Hamm, Benjamin Hayes
abstract : oral
Analyse de Fourier

Time encoding and perfect recovery of non-bandlimited signals with an integrate-and-fire system
Roxana Alexandru, Pier Luigi Dragotti
abstract : oral
Echantillonage et analyse de Fourier

Frame Potentials and Orthogonal Vectors
Josiah Park
abstract : oral
Théorie des "Frames"

Unfavorable structural properties of the set of neural networks with fixed architecture
Philipp Petersen, Mones Raslan, Felix Voigtlaender
abstract : oral
Deep Learning

Conjugate Phase Retrieval in Paley-Wiener Space
Eric S. Weber, Friedrich Littmann, Chun-Kit Lai
abstract : oral
Reconstruction de Phase

Frames by Iterations in Shift-invariant Spaces
Alejandra Aguilera, Carlos Cabrelli, Diana Carbajal, Victoria Paternostro
abstract : oral
Théorie des "Frames"

Convergence Rates for Hölder-Windows in Filtered Back Projection
Matthias Beckmann, Armin Iske
abstract : oral
Problèmes inverses

Compactly Supported Tensor Product Complex Tight Framelets with Directionality
Xiaosheng Zhuang, Bin Han
abstract : oral
Théorie des "Frames"

Sampling and reconstruction of graph signals: An overview of recent graph signal processing results
António G. Marques
abstract : oral
Graph signal processing (invited)

Sampling on Hyperbolic Surfaces
Stephen D. Casey
abstract : oral
Other (primary: mathematics)

The Strohmer and Beaver Conjecture for Gaussian Gabor Systems - A Deep Mathematical Problem (?)
Markus Faulhuber
abstract : oral
Time-frequency analysis (invited)

Phase transition for eigenvalues and recovery of rank one matrices
Enrico Au-Yeung, Greg Zanotti
abstract : oral
Echantillonage compressé

On the Reconstruction of a Class of Signals Bandlimited to a Disc
Ahmed Zayed
abstract : oral
Echantillonage et analyse de Fourier

poster (23 documents )

Near optimal polynomial regression on norming meshes
Marco Vianello, Federico Piazzon, Len Bos
abstract : poster
Poster & Welcome Party

On Column-Row Matrix Approximations
Keaton Hamm, Longxiu Huang
abstract : poster
Poster & Welcome Party

Sampling and Recovery of Binary Shapes via Low-Rank structures
Saeed Razavi-Kia, Hojatollah Zamani, Arash Amini
abstract : poster
Poster & Welcome Party

Adaptive Rate EEG Signal Processing for Epileptic Seizure Detection
Saeed Qaisar, Abdulhamit Subasi
abstract : poster
Poster & Welcome Party

Construction of Non-Uniform Parseval Wavelet Frames for L^2(R) via UEP
Hari Hari Krishan Malhotra, Lalit K. Vashisht
abstract : poster
Poster & Welcome Party

Network Tomography in Hyperbolic Space
Stephen D. Casey
abstract : poster
Poster & Welcome Party

Compressed Diffusion
Scott Gigante, Jay S. Stanley, Ngan Vu, David van Dijk, Kevin Moon, Guy Wolf, Smita Krishnaswamy
abstract : poster
Poster & Welcome Party

Reconstructing high-dimensional Hilbert-valued functions via compressed sensing
Nicholas C. Dexter, Clayton Webster, Hoang A Tran
abstract : poster
Poster & Welcome Party

Recovery of a class of Binary Images from Fourier Samples
Hojatollah Zamani, Saeed Razavi-Kia, Arash Amini
abstract : poster
Poster & Welcome Party

Brain Activity Estimation using EEG-only Recordings Calibrated with joint EEG-fMRI Recordings using Compressive Sensing
Ataei Ali, Arash Amini, Ali GhaziZadeh
abstract : poster
Poster & Welcome Party

On Kantorovich-type sampling operators
Gert Tamberg, Olga Graf
abstract : poster
Poster & Welcome Party

Adapted Decimation on Finite Frames for Arbitrary Orders of Sigma-Delta Quantization
Kung-Ching Lin
abstract : poster
Poster & Welcome Party

Random Diffusion Representations
Moshe Salhov, Amir Averbuch
abstract : poster
Poster & Welcome Party

Nonuniform Sampling of Echoes of Light
Miguel Heredia Conde, Ayush Bhandari, Otmar Loffeld
abstract : poster
Poster & Welcome Party

A Joint Deep Learning Approach for Automated Liver and Tumor Segmentation
Nadja Gruber, Markus Haltmeier
abstract : poster
Poster & Welcome Party

Compressive Sampling and Least Squares based Reconstruction of Correlated Signals
Ali Ahmed, Fahad Shamshad
abstract : poster
Poster & Welcome Party

Deterministic matrices with a restricted isometry property for partially structured sparse signals
Alihan Kaplan, Volker Pohl, Holger Boche
abstract : poster
Poster & Welcome Party

On Inferences from Completed Data
Jamie Haddock
abstract : poster
Poster & Welcome Party

Unitarization and Inversion Formula for the Radon Transform for Hyperbolic Motions
Francesca Bartolucci, Matteo Monti
abstract : poster
Poster & Welcome Party

NP-hardness of L0 minimization problems: revision and extension to the non-negative setting
Thi-Thanh Nguyen, Charles Soussen, Jérôme Idier, El-Hadi Djermoune
abstract : poster
Poster & Welcome Party

Frame Bounds for Gabor Frames in Finite Dimensions
Palina Salanevich
abstract : poster
Poster & Welcome Party

A directional periodic uncertainty principle
Elena Lebedeva, Aleksander Krivoshein, Jürgen Prestin
abstract : poster
Poster & Welcome Party

Lagrange interpolation of bandlimited functions on slowly increasing sequences
Rubenson A. Bautista, Noli Reyes, Louie John VALLEJO
abstract : poster
Poster & Welcome Party

Follow @NuitBlog or join the CompressiveSensing Reddit, the Facebook page, the Compressive Sensing group on LinkedIn  or the Advanced Matrix Factorization group on LinkedIn

Liked this entry ? subscribe to Nuit Blanche's feed, there's more where that came from. You can also subscribe to Nuit Blanche by Email.

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Paris Machine||@Archives||LinkedIn||Facebook|| @ParisMLGroup< br/> About LightOnNewsletter ||@LightOnIO|| on LinkedIn || on CrunchBase || our Blog
About myselfLightOn || Google Scholar || LinkedIn ||@IgorCarron ||Homepage||ArXiv