So after two "Hors Série" meetups, we decided to start Season 6 of the Paris Machine Learning meetup tonight. We'll talk about algorithms used at Vente Privée, one of the most ambitious company in France but also about Quantum computing and Machine Learning and eventually how SNCF is becoming algorithm/data driven. The streaming and the presentations will be accessible below:
Un grand merci à Vente Privée, de nous accueillir !
Doors open 6:45PM // talk 7-9PM // network 9-10:30PM
Jéremie Jakubowicz, Vente Privee, Data Science at Vente Privee
In this talk we will reveal what's been happening within the Data Science Team at Vente Privee this year...
At vente-privee we customize a lot of things, and this talk would describe the mechanism behind catalog customization. When a customer enters a sales, we create a section filled with items recommended for this specific customer, based on its previous purchases, and other criteria.
Quantum computing paradigm applied to automated machine learning. an efficient alternative to hyperparamter search.
Le rôle de la Fab Big Data et de l'équipe data science et engineering pour le groupe SNCF.. Quelques projets en cours représentatifs :
- Adhérence : mieux connaître, localiser et comprendre les phénomènes de perte d'adhérence (c'est le contact entre la roue et le rail).
- Energie : analyse des consommations d'energie électrique et prévision de consommation.
- Projets prospectifs :
- Active learning
- Lisibilité des modèles de ML