Wednesday, September 6, 2017WelcomeWelcome: Why are we meeting?
Thomas Naselaris, Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC)Kavli Opening Keynote Session: Explaining Cognition, Brain Computation, and Intelligent BehaviorCognitive Science:The cognitive science perspective: Reverse-engineering the mind
Josh Tenenbaum, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Computational Neuroscience:
Nicole Rust, University of PennsylvaniaHow does the brain learn so much so quickly?
Yann LeCun, Facebook, New York University
Panel Discussion:Nancy Kanwisher, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Josh Tenenbaum, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Nicole Rust, University of Pennsylvania
Yann LeCun, Facebook, New York University
Bruno Olshausen, UC-Berkeley
Jackie Gottlieb, Columbia University
Moderator: Jim DiCarlo, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyContributed Talks: Sensation & PerceptionNeural networks for efficient bayesian decoding of natural images from retinal neurons
Eleanor Batty, Columbia UniversityA reverse correlation test of computational models of lightness perception
Richard Murray, York UniversityKeynote 1I have not decided yet
Michael N. Shadlen, Columbia UniversityContributed Talks: Attention & JudgementUnderstanding biological visual attention using convolutional neural networks
Grace Lindsay, Columbia UniversityA dichotomy of visual relations or the limits of convolutional neural networks
Matthew Ricci & Junkyung Kim, Brown UniversityComputation of human confidence reports in decision-making with multiple alternatives
Hsin-Hung Li, New York University
Thursday, September 7, 2017
Tutorial talksCognitive Science:Modeling of behavior
Wei Ji Ma, New York University
Computational Neuroscience:Tutorial on computational neuroscience
Ruben Coen-Cagli, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
Artificial Intelligence:Artificial Intelligence with connections to neuroimaging
Alona Fyshe, University of VictoriaContributed Talks: Memorability & predictive codingUnconscious perception of scenes reveals a perceptual neural signature of memorability
Yalda Mohsenzadeh, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyPredictive coding & neural communication delays produce alpha-band oscillatory impulse response functions
Rufin VanRullen, Université ToulouseKeynote 2How we understand others’ emotions
Rebecca Saxe, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyContributed Talks: Localization & task learningEmergence of grid-like representations by training recurrent neural networks to perform spatial localization
Chris Cueva, Columbia UniversityModular task learning in an embodied two-dimensional visual environment
Kevin T. Feigelis, Stanford UniversityDistributed mechanisms supporting information search and value-based choice in prefrontal cortex
Laurence Hunt, University of Oxford
Friday, September 8, 2017
Keynote 3Probabilistic models of sensorimotor control
Daniel Wolpert, University of CambridgeContributed Talks: Reinforcement learning & controlSurprise, surprise: Cholinergic and dopaminergic neurons encode complementary forms of reward prediction errors
Fitz Sturgill, Cold Spring Harbor LaboratoryHippocampal pattern separation supports reinforcement learning
Ian Ballard, Stanford UniversityOffline replay supports planning: fMRI evidence from reward revaluation
Ida Momennejad, Princeton UniversityKeynote 4How we learn and represent the structure of tasks
Yael Niv, Princeton UniversityContributed Talks: Exploration & exploitationAmygdala drives value and exploration signals in striatum and orbitofrontal Cortex
Vincent Costa, National Institute of Mental HealthHistory effect in a minimalistic explore-exploit task
Mingyu Song, Princeton UniversityKeynote 5Strategic decision-making in the human subcortex measured with UHF-MRI
Birte Forstmann, University of AmsterdamContributed Talks: Learning in deep neural networksDeep learning with segregated dendrites
Blake Aaron Richards, University of Toronto ScarboroughWhen do neural networks learn sequential solution in short-term memory tasks?
Emin Orhan, New York UniversityClosing Keynote Debate: What is the best level to model the mind-brain?Perspective 1: Cognitive Models:Bridging the computational and algorithmic levels
Tom Griffiths, UC-BerkeleyDeep learning and backprop in the brain
Yoshua Bengio, Université de Montréal
Panel Discussion:Tom Griffiths, UC-Berkeley
Yoshua Bengio, Université de Montréal
Anne Churchland, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Aude Oliva, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Tony Movshon, New York University
Jonathan Cohen, Princeton UniversityClosingClosing Remarks
Nikolaus Kriegeskorte, Columbia University
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