Monday, July 02, 2012

Around the Blogs in 80 hours

Since the last Around the blogs in 80 hours, we had, on Nuit Blanche, a long entry on Compressive Sensing and Matrix Factorization This Week followed by some videos from the Schlumberger workshop on Mathematical Models of Sound Analysis at IHÉS 2012. Then I went on some rambling about how sensor makers ought to pay more attention to the reconstruction solvers they use, FFT is not an end-all solution. Incidently, there was a nice exchange about this entry on the Hidden Cost of Convenience on Googple+. Finally, we had an announcement for a Postdoc and an interesting linear regression on the Cost of Success or Failure versus Complexity in Space Voyages.

We also had:

And finally, I think one of the central reason we should have open access journals revolves about needing to deal with the waves of explanation that follows the potential retraction of 172 papers.

N00192059.jpg was taken on June 30, 2012 and received on Earth July 01, 2012. The camera was pointing toward SATURN-RINGS at approximately 622,583 miles (1,001,950 kilometers) away, and the image was taken using the CL1 and CL2 filters.

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