I am always a little astonished by some things that I do not see implemented because they are too hard. Yet, I don't even see them being even attempted in the first place even though there is a very large market for each of those. Here they are:
- How come we don't have Jurassic Park with walking dinosaurs ? everytime there is an animotronics coming in town, you have lines of kids waiting to see those things even if the time spent waiting will be longer than the time spent watching them and yet we still don't have walking dinosaurs (except when a human is inside). How come ? (my interest here lie in muscle, autonomous ). It looks as though we have only been able to devise their gait recently. Some people are already making a business case that building them will get people to come.
- Knowing that some women spent as much as two hours every day to do their make-ups, how come there is not a Make-up robot for women ? ( autonomous ). This is all the more interesting that much technology goes into changing the face/shape of women in magazines. How come there isn't a similar technology to evaluate if the make-up is good enough ? Think Snow White mirror.

- People spend an average of 8 hours sleeping yet there is no real good technology to improve sleep. How come there isn't an autonomous pillow that shapes itself around one's head over the course of the sleep. Or since a 32 GB SD card can allow people to record entire sleeping patterns for over 8 hour. What is the software that will allow to check if the pattern is a good one or a detrimental one ?
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