Friday, May 29, 2020

Photonic Computing for Massively Parallel AI is out and it is spectacular!

It’s been a long time brewing but we just released our first white paper on Photonic Computing for Massively Parallel AI. The document features the technology we develop at LightOn, some of its use, some testimonials, and how we see the future of computing. It is downloadable here or from our website:


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Friday, May 15, 2020

Tackling Reinforcement Learning with the Aurora OPU

** Nuit Blanche is now on Twitter: @NuitBlog **

Martin Graive did an internship at LightOn and decided to investigate how to use Random Projections in the context of Reinforcement Learning. He just wrote a blog post on the matter entitled "Tackling Reinforcement Learning with the Aurora OPU". The attendant GitHub repo is located here. Enjoy!

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