Thursday, March 26, 2020

Accelerating SARS-COv2 Molecular Dynamics Studies with Optical Random Features

** Nuit Blanche is now on Twitter: @NuitBlog **

We just published a new blog post at LightOn. This time, we used LightOn's Optical Processing Unit to show how our hardware can help in speeding up global sampling studies that are using Molecular Dynamics simulations, such as in the case of metadynamics. Our engineer, Amélie Chatelain wrote a blog post about it and it is here: Accelerating SARS-COv2 Molecular Dynamics Studies with Optical Random Features

We showed that LightOn's OPU, in tandem with the NEWMA algorithm, becomes very interesting (compared to CPU implementations of Random Fourier Features and FastFood) for simulations featuring more than 4 000 atoms.

Because building computational hardware makes no sense if we don't have a community that lifts us, the code used to generate the plots in that blog post is publicly available at the following link:

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Saturday, March 14, 2020

Au Revoir Backprop ! Bonjour Optical Transfer Learning !

** Nuit Blanche is now on Twitter: @NuitBlog **

We recently used LightOn's Optical Processing Unit to show how our hardware fared in the context of Transfer learning. Our engineer, Luca Tommasone wrote a blog post about it and it is here: Au Revoir Backprop! Bonjour Optical Transfer Learning!

Because building computational hardware makes no sense if we don't have a community that lifts us, the code used to generate the plots in that blog post is publicly available at the following link:

Enjoy and most importantly stay safe !

Follow @NuitBlog or join the CompressiveSensing Reddit, the Facebook page, the Compressive Sensing group on LinkedIn  or the Advanced Matrix Factorization group on LinkedIn

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