Of belated interest is Probabilistic analysis of LP decoding by Alex Dimakis, a joint work with Costas Daskalakis, Richard Karp, Martin Wainwright.

We also have two other papers:
A Numerical Exploration of Compressed Sampling Recovery by Charles Dossal, Gabriel Peyré and Jalal Fadili. The abstract reads:
This paper explores numerically the efficiency of ℓ1 minimization for the recovery of sparse signals from compressed sampling measurements in the noiseless case. Inspired by topological criteria for ℓ1-identifiability, a greedy algorithm computes sparse vectors that are difficult to recover by ℓ1- minimization. We evaluate numerically the theoretical analysis without resorting to Monte-Carlo sampling, which tends to avoid worst case scenarios. This allow one to challenge sparse recovery conditions based on polytope projection and on the restricted isometry property.
Coordinate Descent Optimization for $\ell^1$ Minimization with Application to Compressed Sensing; a Greedy Algorithm by Yingying Li and Stanley Osher. The abstract reads:
We propose a fast algorithm for solving the Basis Pursuit problem, minu{|u|1, : Au = f}, which has application to compressed sensing. We design an efficient method for solving the related unconstrained problem minu E(u) = |u|_1 +λ||Au−f||_2^2 based on a greedy coordinate descent method. We claim that in combination with a Bregman iterative method, our algorithm will achieve a solution with speed and accuracy competitive with some of the leading methods for the basis pursuit problem.
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