
Wednesday, September 09, 2015

Tonight: Paris Machine Learning #1 Season 3: "September, When Did That Happen ?"


Tonight's Paris Machine Learning meetup is the first of the new season. We'll be talking about what happened in the past few months in Machine Learning. Samim and Pieters will be talking remotely from Berlin and Stockholm to let us know about the myriad of projects they devised over the summer. Rand, Amin, Christophe, and Mouhidine will present their differents endeavors.   Snips will host us at their new location and sponsor the drinks at their new location.

We are on Twitter, the hashtag for the meetup is #MLParis

The meetup will be on Google Hangout in streaming (come back to see the video above). The meetup should start at around 6:45PM Paris time with the streaming really starting later at 7:15PM. Samim and Pieters remote presentation will be in English and should be on at about 7:30PM Paris time. We expect the rest of the talks to be in French.

This post will ventually be updated with the presentation slides:
+ Igor Carron, Franck Bardol, "September, when did that happen ?"

+ Samim Winiger, Roelof Pieters 

Title:Tales from a deeply generative summer: The coming of age of Creative AI?

Abstract:The last couple of months have seen an incredible development in techniques for what one would call creative AI. Roelof and Samim have spend their summer exploring these exciting new approaches and coming up with many experiments as a result. This casual talk, summarises some of the recent generative activities and might provide some pointers on what is to come in the future.

+ Rand Hindi, Snips

+ Maxime Pico, Startup42
L'accélérateur Startup42 propose le meilleur accompagnement parisien pour les startups basant leur avantage compétitif sur une innovation techno. Le Machine Learning en fait évidemment partie. Les candidatures à l'accélérateur sont ouvertes jusqu'au 30 Septembre.

+ Christophe Bourguignat,

Après le compte twitter @frenchdata, nous lançons le site

+ Amine El Helou, Mathworks

Kaggle's Right Whale competition

With fewer than 500 North Atlantic right whales left in the world's oceans. The National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration needs your machine-learning super powers to automate the specie's recognition process on a dataset of aerial photographs. As a sponsor to this challenge, The Mathworks also provides access to MATLAB and all the necessary librairies (i.e. machine-learning, image processing etc.) to all participants.

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