Felix just sent me the following last night:
Dear Igor,
It is my sad duty to let our community know that Ernie Esser passed away yesterday from complications of pneumonia on his trip back from Europe. Ernie was a very active member of the compressive sensing and optimization communities. Only very recently Ernie made I think a major contribution to blind deconvolution
Ernie Esser, Tim T.Y. Lin, Rongrong Wang, and Felix J. Herrmann, “A lifted l1/l2 constraint for sparse blind deconvolution”. 2015. Abstract.
We (Stan Osher and others) will work over the coming months on different ways to recognize Ernie’s major contributions to science. We welcome any thoughts or suggestions our community may have. We created this weblog in honour of Ernie.
In the meantime, I would be really grateful if you could post Ernie’s most recent work listed above. Many thanks.
Kind regards,
Felix J. Herrmann
UBC—Seismic Laboratory for Imaging and Modelling (SLIM)
fherrmann@eos.ubc.ca, www.slim.eos.ubc.ca
Here is the rest of Ernie's publication and presentation page:
- Yifei Lou, Ernie Esser, Hongkai Zhao and Jack Xin, Partially Blind Deblurring of Barcode from Out-Of-Focus Blur,
SIAM J. Imaging Sci. 7(2), pp. 740-760, 2014 - Ernie Esser and Xiaoqun Zhang, Nonlocal Patch-Based Image Inpainting Through Minimization of a Sparsity Promoting Nonconvex Functional, 2013
- Tom Goldstein, Ernie Esser and Richard Baraniuk Adaptive Primal-Dual Hybrid Gradient Methods for Saddle-Point Problems, 2013
- Penghang Yin, Ernie Esser and Jack Xin, Ratio and Difference of l1 and l2 Norms and Sparse Representation with Coherent Dictionaries, 2013
- Ernie Esser, Yifei Lou and Jack Xin, A Method for Finding Structured Sparse Solutions to Non-negative Least Squares Problems with Applications,
SIAM J. Imaging Sci. 6(4), pp. 2010-2046, 2013 - Ernie Esser, Michael Möller, Stanley Osher, Guillermo Sapiro and Jack Xin, A convex model for non-negative matrix
factorization and dimensionality reduction on
physical space, 2011
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 21-7, pp. 3239 - 3252 (2012) - Ernie Esser, Primal Dual Algorithms for Convex Models and Applications to Image Restoration, Registration and Nonlocal Inpainting, Ph.D. Thesis, UCLA, 2010
- Ernie Esser, A Convex Model for Image Registration, 2010
- Ernie Esser, Xiaoqun Zhang and Tony Chan, A General Framework for a Class of First
Order Primal-Dual Algorithms for Convex Optimization in Imaging
Science (revised), 2009
SIAM J. Imaging Sci. Volume 3, Issue 4, pp. 1015-1046 (2010) - Ernie Esser, Applications of Lagrangian-Based Alternating Direction Methods and Connections to Split Bregman, 2009
- Solving DC programs that promote group 1-sparsity, SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, Hong Kong, May 2014
- A difference of convex method to select point correspondences for image registration, SIAM Annual Meeting, San Diego, July 2013
- A Primal Dual Method for Solving a Convex Model for DOAS Analysis, SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, Philadelphia, May 2012
- Primal Dual Algorithms for Convex Optimization in Imaging Science, Tohoku University, MAIPCV Winter School, November 2011
- A convex model for non-negative matrix factorization and dimensionality reduction on physical space, UCI AI/ML Seminar, October 2011, and University of Tokyo, November 2011
- Primal Dual Methods in Imaging Science, ICIAM, Vancouver, July 2011
- A General Framework for a Class of First Order Primal Dual Algorithms for Convex Optimization in Imaging Science, Georgia Tech, ACM Seminar, November 2010
- A Convex Model for Image Registration, PCMI, July 2010
- A General Framework for a Class of First Order Primal-Dual Algorithms for TV Minimization, SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, Chicago, April 2010
- An Explicit Primal-Dual Algorithm for Large Non-Differentiable Convex Problems, SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, Chicago, April 2010
- Primal Dual Algorithms for Convex Models and Applications to Image Restoration, Registration and Nonlocal Inpainting, UCLA, Math 290J Seminar: Mathematical models for image processing and medical imaging, February 2010
- A General Framework for a Class of Primal-Dual Algorithms for TV Minimization, UCI CAM Seminar, September 2009
- Bregman Iterative Methods, Lagrangian Connections, Dual Interpretations, and Applications, 2009.
- What Makes Boomerangs Come Back?, Summer Institute for Mathematics at the University of Washington
Godspeed Ernie.
I do fell sorry for this loss. Ernie's technical works were very inspiring in many aspects and our recent exchanges (around around sparse deconvolution and bibliography) have revealed to me a pleasant fellow.
ReplyDeleteThank you, not much else can be said. Ernie was my cousin, and we all mourn the loss of his passing.
ReplyDeleteI am sorry for your loss.