Here is a fantastic view of Saturn hexagonal feature at the pole taken by Cassini four days ago. So Google Reader is dead, long live the other RSS readers. Since last May's Review (May 2013), we had quite a few new and significant implementations released into the wild, namely:
- Quikr: a Method for Rapid Reconstruction of Bacterial Communities via Compressive Sensing. - implementation -
- Finite rate of innovation based modeling and compression of ECG signals - implementation -
- FrameSense: Near-Optimal Sensor Placement for Linear Inverse Problems / Acoustic echoes reveal room shape - implementation -
- PyHST2: an hybrid distributed code for high speed tomographic reconstruction with iterative reconstruction and a priori knowledge capabilities - implementation-
- Quantized Iterative Hard Thresholding: Bridging 1-bit and High-Resolution Quantized Compressed Sensing - implementation -
- Sparse Recovery of Streaming Signals Using l_1-Homotopy - implementation -
- Structure Discovery in Nonparametric Regression through Compositional Kernel Search - implementation -
- qGeomMC: A Quotient Geometric approach to low-rank Matrix Completion - implementation
I spent some amount of time in the Sunday Morning Insight entries bringing some clarity into subjects that I keep on hearing about as if there were different. They are not:
We had a few job announcements:
- CSJob: PostDoc, Research Associate in Compressive Sensing and Distributed Compressive Sensing for Energy Harvesting Wireless Sensor Networks, London
- Post-Doc at QM-MPI Joint Information System Lab in Macau, China
- A PostDoc and a Ph.D in Medical Imaging, Machine Learning and Compressive Sensing at INRIA, Rennes, France
Focused Interest:
- Computation of sparse low degree interpolating polynomials and their application to derivative-free optimization
- Physical Principles for Scalable Neural Recording
- Blind Calibration in Compressed Sensing using Message Passing Algorithms
- Multi-View in Lensless Compressive Imaging
- Towards a better compressed sensing
- Precisely Verifying the Null Space Conditions in Compressed Sensing: A Sandwiching Algorithm
- Different Sensing Modalities: Compressive Object Tracking using Entangled Photons, Coded aperture, Single-pixel digital "ghost" holography, CT, MRI and ... faster cats
- Simple and Deterministic Matrix Sketches and Near-optimal Distributions for Data Matrix Sampling
- Lensless Imaging by Compressive Sensing
- Engineering a Healthcare System to Deliver Genomic Medicine
- Start-ups: GraphLab,, InView, Centice, Aqueti
- SPARS13 Abstracts, ROKS 2013 List of Papers, SAHD2013 and other CS/MF related meetings
Saturday Morning Videos:
- Saturday Morning Videos: Robot Programming through demonstration, Using Chrome to talk to an Arduino, Orbit Imagery, DYI Raman spectroscopy, Radar data of asteroid 1998 QE2
- Saturday Morning Videos
- Saturday Morning Videos: ProLand, SIGGRAPH, M7 solar flare, Xbox One and the new Kinect
- Saturday Morning Videos
Even though Reader is dead, we'll still have "Around the blogs in 78 hours" like we did this past month:
- Around the blogs in 78 hours: CIMI2013, CVPR, Listening in The Wild, ERMITES 2011 and more....
- Around the blogs in 78 hours
- This Week in Review: A Seinfeldian problem, Meet-Ups, GSI2013, Around the blogs in 78 hours.
- This week in Review: COxSwAIN, Machine Learning and Sensors MeetUps, SigFox, Lensless Single Pixel camera, Around the Blogs in 78 hours
Image Credit: NASA/JPL/Space Science Institute, Credit:W00082564.jpg was taken on June 26, 2013 and received on Earth June 27, 2013. The camera was pointing toward SATURN at approximately 491,582 miles (791,125 kilometers) away, and the image was taken using the CL1 and VIO filters. This image has not been validated or calibrated.
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