
Monday, May 28, 2012

Around the blog in 80 hours: Compressive Sensing and Advanced Matrix Factorization Edition

Since the last "around the blogs in 80 hoursblog entry, I had to answer a pretty common beginner's question in  The answer is still No. We then had a large  Compressive Sensing This Week entry and eventually a stream of papers and implementation on Analysis Operators that started with an implementation featured in Noise Aware Analysis Operator Learning for Approximately Cosparse Signals. Then the subject slided into inpainting with  90% missing pixels and you reconstructed that ?! Analysis Operator Learning and Its Application to Image Reconstruction and  Inpainting Algorithm on GitHub (TV-L2 denoising and inpainting). I ended having to comment on Learning Analysis OperatorsIn the meantime, there is an implementation available for  Incremented Rank PowerFactorization algorithm. Other entries/tweets that caught my attention included the following:

And then some comments:

One of Vladimir Ignatovich's work in ultra-cold neutrons has been trying to figure out why some neutrons at very low energy get absorbed. He has done some analysis on the cross section needed to account for this loss but to my knowledge has never been able to figure it out experimetnally. It remains an open problem it seems. The arxiv blog points to a paper that computes the probability these neutrons go into other worlds. Sigh....How is this Science ? Ok let's imagine they go to to other worlds,.how do you prove that experimentally ? is this reproducible ? after they have disappeared you wait for neutrons to come back ? But if they leak out, there should be some leaking in ? I am shaking my head as I am writing this.

What happened to shoddy journalism ? you don't have to look too far this week.

Finally, The astronauts on the ISS caught a Dragon

Credit photo: ESA/NASA. Opening the SpaceX Dragon's hatch.

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