
Friday, July 09, 2010

CS: Site changes and a poll about Q&A.

Some of you may have seen some some site changes over the past few weeks:
  • I have added a referer log on the right hand side of the side so that you can track the sites from which people accessed Nuit Blanche. Checking out these sites is a nice way to explore the ecosystem around some of the subjects being talked about here. It is also prominently displayed on the right hand side of the site so any new website needing exposure can always send a link our way.
  • I have resorted to using ads because it looks like this is the only way I can get a bird's eye view on the number of folks reading the posts on Nuit Blanche. Oftentimes, I would have to check feedburner stats, blogger stats, google analytics, email lists and others but I would never see a consistent picture with regards to how many get to see the information provided here. Since Google is in the ads business, I trust that they would be more consistent in provide all encompassing stats when they serve ads. For kicks, here is the latest stat that features yesterday's pageviews to both the blog and its feeds and the attendant sites like the Big Picture. In all more than 1000 people have read something about Compressive Sensing yesterday from these different supports. Nice!
  • Exactly a month later, more than 60 people have signed up for the Compressive Sensing LinkedIn group thereby reaching the 500 people peg. Sorry Doohwan, it looks Teray Wu is our 500th member. When are we going to reach the 1000th ? Set your bets in the comment section of this entry.
  • While the Compressive Sensing discussions on LinkedIn are interesting, the interface is certainly clunky to navigate around. Do you all think the community should have its own Q&A site ? I just set up a poll, so for those of you not seeing it you can go here and vote. Thanks. One of the answer asks if you would be ready to commit: To commit in this context means that you'd be interested in participating in providing answers as well as check the site often. I know for a fact that the Nuit Blanche blog will feature the best responses.


  1. What about joining one of the already existing Q&A sites, like for instance, ?

  2. Alejandro,

    There is a definite overlap but when it comes to hardware design or sensing issues (inverse problems), do you think these issues are covered with this Q&A site ? I am not sure.

    What do you think ?


  3. Your point is valid, but I think (and I can be wrong about this), that there is no critical mass for a CS Q&A yet, and than a plausible alternative is to start there, and then, if there is enough momentum, to move to an exclusive Q&A.

    There is already a "compressive-sensing" tag, so it is just a matter of start using it I guess.

