
Friday, October 02, 2009

CS: Lower Bounds for Sparse Recovery, Mathematics and Images Analysis Conference

Sometimes, the same word means different things:

Sometimes, different words mean the same thing,

Sometimes, we don't know if the big O notation means the thing we think it means :-)

  • From the internets, I found the following abstract from the upcoming SODA conference: Lower Bounds for Sparse Recovery by Khanh Do Ba, Piotr Indyk, Eric Price. The abstract reads:
    Over the recent years, a new *linear* method for compressing high-dimensional data has been discovered. For an n-dimensional vector x, its *sketch* is equal to Ax, where A is an m x n matrix, possibly chosen at random. Although typically the sketch length m is much smaller than the number of dimensions n, the sketch often contains plenty of information about x. A particularly useful and well-studied problem is that of sparse recovery: given Ax, recover a k-sparse vector x* (with at most k non-zeros) such that ||x-x*||_p <= C min_{k-sparse x'} ||x-x'||_q for some norm parameters p and q and an approximation factor C=C(k). Sparse recovery has numerous applications to areas such as data stream computing and compressed sensing. It is known that there exist matrices A that achieve the above guarantee with p=q=1 and constant C (in fact, even somewhat stronger bounds), with sketch length m=O(k log (n/k)). However, perhaps surprisingly, it is not known if this bound can be improved any further, even though matching lower bounds are known for specific *algorithms*, specific *matrix types*, or other recovery scenarios (e.g., involving measurement noise). The lack of tight lower bounds represents a major gap in our understanding of the problem. In this paper we make significant progress on this issue. In particular we show that: - in the deterministic case, where we require one matrix A to work for all signals x, we show a tight lower bound of Omega(k log (n/k)), thus resolving the issue completely - in the randomized case, where we require that a matrix A chosen at random from some distribution should work for a *fixed* vector x with probability at least 1-1/n, we show a lower bound of Omega(log n / log log n)

Sometimes, we think a term means something when in fact it means to the opposite:

  • The Mathematics and Images Analysis (M.I.A.) Conference 2009 will be held on December 14-16 at IHP in Paris, and will feature several sparsity and compressed sensing related talks. The program is here.