
Thursday, October 07, 2004

A-ha moment, part I

Through the course of learning, one always tries to make sense of the learning material through story-telling or through an obvious internal representation. The a-ha moment is when you realize that you now have found this internal representation... and you can't get it out of your mind. It may be triggered through an awesome graph or a simple key sentence that makes the connection between two dissimilar subjects. Recently, when I was reading the literature on on-line parameter estimation using the Unscented Kalman Filter, I was having problems making a comparison between the unscented transform and previous methods such as the Extended Kalman Filter.

Featured sideways is the graph that explained it all. Similarly, one cannot understand the slaughter of Napoleon's army  during the Russian campaign until ones contemplate this map that connects the thickness of the line with the number of surviving troops. Similar very good examples can be found in this gallery of Data Visualization.

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